Sunday, August 22, 2010

Meridith's Baptism

This month has been absolutely crazy!  We have had family in town all month, which has been nice, Hiram was off almost all month, as he is getting ready to leave, and then last week we had Meridith's baptism.  I am still so amazed that my baby is eight.  I can't believe it.

Everything went perfect!  I think how easily everything went.  It wasn't like a baptism in Bolivia (where I served my mission).  The clothes fit perfectly, Thank you Aunt Kari!  The speakers were all there, Grandma & Uncle Bryan and Aunt Amy did a wonderful job playing the music!  Thank you all so much for your love and support.  Here are some pictures:

Thank you everyone for coming.  Grandma & Grandpa, Abuelo & Abuela, Tios Roman y Lila and Mikey and Bryan and Amy and their family.  We love you all!


  1. Maryann, I love reading your blog, you and your family are amazing and I admire how well you seem to handle such a ever changing situation. Although my husband is not in the military, I find myself alone quite often with the babies due to his demanding school schedule. I imagine it won't get easier in medical school. I really do look to how other wives do it and keep perspective! Thank you!!

  2. Mary Ann, I'm not sure I've figured out how to comment on your blog; however, I must say a BIG THANK YOU for keeping it up and current! I love seeing the wonderful family pics! They surely bring back great memories of extra special times for us! WE loved sharing them with you! I continually take my hat off to you for your great strength! I love the way you and Hiram take care of those precious children whom I love so much! Thanks for being ours...for eternity! We surely love "all ya all!" You are always in our prayers! Dad & Mom :)
