Thursday, September 17, 2009


Ok to start... I am not asking for a pitty party. I know we chose this life but just for a moment try to imagine this:
  • remember how you felt when you were coming home from your mission, or waiting for a sibling to return from their mission...all the EXCITEMENT!
  • remember how you felt the night before your wedding and the day of the wedding...being nervous, excited and just wanting to get it over with, too!
now add on top of those feelings:
  • a daddy who hasn't seen his wife and babies for seven months
  • only being able to talk on the phone when the lines are available or when skype decides to work
  • not knowing exactly what time your husband is "REALLY" coming home!

I am just a little bit, ok a lot OVERWHELMED!!

I am really ready for it all to be over! I just want my husband home!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Crazy Life!

Well I haven't posted anything for a long time and here is why:
  • we moved back to NC in the beginning of August! (Thanks Mom and Dad)!
  • we stayed in a beach house for 2 weeks with the sand and cockroaches!
  • we looked at 25 homes in 3 days (sorry kids!)
  • we bought a house without Hiram (sorry Hiram)
  • we have just about everything BIG moved in (minus bed frames, couches, entertainment center, etc..)
  • we got a flat tire and still haven't received the new one (thanks for your help uncle Paul)
  • lost my wedding rings (still looking for those)!
  • Davin and Meridith started school
  • ear infections, throw up, sore throats (thanks PRIMARY!!)

Just to name a few things!!

Today we found out when Hiram will be home so we are VERY excited!

We made one of our banners this week too. I wrote on the sheet with markers and the girls painted it. There are lots of random paint spots, I still think it is cute because the girls did it. We wrote on it, "Daddy, You took long forever." The kids always say that, so I thought it would be cute to put something up that was from them! I will do my own sign when they are all in bed! (Their sign will probably turn out better)!

Needless to say, this will be my last post until he has been home for awhile! We are so thankful that he is coming home almost a month early and that he will be home on Annabelle's birthday, my birthday and Davin's birthday! I am going to sit back with my feet up and let him do all of the party planning! If nothing happens that's ok, too! Atleast he will be HOME!

Here are some pictures of the kids going to school from the beach house. We all looked horrible! We had to leave the house an hour early every morning to get them to school!