I found this last night on a local website like craigslist...
"Has anyone heard anything from their husbands?? I havent heard from mine in 3 weeks now but i seen a post on the parents website from a marines mom that said she got an email from her son on Feb 15th. This is the longest ive went without hearing from him, not even a letter so im freaking out. If anyone has any info or has heard from their husband plaese let me know....."
I deleted all of the company information because that is not allowed to be posted but this does not help me at all. My husband is due to deploy late this summer early fall to replace this group that is being talked about. It takes me back to the first deployment in a war zone and not being able to talk to my husband.
However, it also is going to help me to appreciate every singe minute I have with my husband when he is at home.
I wish that this could be emailed to President Obama and let him read what the military wives go through, too.
Our base has lost 11 guys in the last 10 days and we have a lot of friends over there right now. Please keep our military and their families in your prayers.